Rental Property Inspections: A Quick Checklist

Rental Property Inspections: A Quick Checklist

There are many different facets to managing a rental property. It involves a lot more work than many people think. This is especially true at those times you've got a tenant moving into or out of one of your properties.

When this is happening, there are procedures you'll need to follow and tasks you'll need to take care of. Rental property inspections are one such task.

Because you'll have so much on your plate during these times, and in case you need to delegate some of the responsibility, it can be a good idea to have a checklist of things to look out for when inspecting a rental property. That's exactly what this guide is going to give you. Read on for a rental property checklist to take to every inspection you perform.

1. Arrange a Time

The laws for landlords vary from state to state. In Oklahoma, the law states that you must give your tenants at least 1 days' notice before carrying out an inspection. Usually, you'll want to arrange a time that's mutually convenient for you and your tenant a few days in advance.

2. Take Photos

For legal purposes and for your own records, you'll want to take plenty of pictures of the property. If there's a dispute down the line, you'll be able to produce these as evidence. Take pictures of any areas of damage, but also of the property as a whole.

3. Things to Look Out For

There are many reasons you might want to carry out an inspection of one of your properties. Sometimes, you'll do this when a tenant is moving in or out. At others, you might just be checking on the condition of the place.

Here are some signs to look out for when carrying out your inspection.

  • Is there any dampness or mold?
  • Are any of the furniture or white goods damaged or broken?
  • Are there any signs your tenant has been subleasing?
  • If pets aren't allowed, are there signs of animal activity?

4. For Seasonal Inspections

Sometimes, you'll be carrying out an inspection to see whether your home is winter-ready, or suitable for the summer months. When you're doing these kinds of seasonal inspections, there are a whole host of other types of rental property maintenance you'll need to do.

In winter, you'll want to cover any exposed pipes, replace furnace filters, and check that the windows and doors are suitably sealed to prevent drafts. In the summertime, you might want to check the roof for any damage that may have occurred over the winter, install A/C units, and again, clean your furnace filters.

Rental Property Inspections Made Easy

We hope this list will come in useful for any future rental property inspections you'll be carrying out. If you'd like more information on property inspections—or if you'd like some assistance in this area, we can help! Get in touch with us to discuss the services we offer now.

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